Terms of Use
Voicebank Usage
- You may use Seiko for covers, original songs, etc without asking my permission, as long as it is non-commercial.
- You may not publicly redistribute individual files or full voicebanks without my permission. The only exception is sharing oto.ini, .frq, and prefix map files, which you may redistribute publicly as much as you like.
- Please do not use Seiko's voicebank to cover and/or sing explicitly sexual, grotestque, or violent material. If you are not sure if something is too explicit, feel free to @ me on Twitter or other sites and ask.
Art Usage
- If you use any official art* of Seiko, you must credit me. You do not have to ask permission for using the art.
- You may not repost official art of Seiko online, use it on merchandise or otherwise use it commercially without my permission.
- Feel free to draw your own art of Seiko. Please keep it PG-13.
*Note: You are free to use the art you can download from this website in covers and such, but that does NOT give permission to use other art of Seiko that I may post on sites like Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, etc.
When crediting me, please credit me as mikayuuchann.
If you do anything with Seiko's bank or draw them, feel free to let me know! I would love to see it. :^)
Should you need to contact me, my twitter is @mikayuu_chan.
If you would prefer to be anonymous, you could send me an ask on tumblr at mikayuu-chann.
You can also submit a message through this Google Form :^)